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Maurie's guide to kosher wine
Your source of practical knowledge of Kosher Wines


The World's largest Searchable Database of Kosher Wines.


Search over 4,000 Kosher wines by keyword or advanced criteria including "Maurie's Ratings", "Best Buy" or "Best Value" recommendations.

* "Fruit of the Vine" - The Complete Guide to Kosher Wine"
* !!!!! Now Available on !!!!!

Your Passport to Some of the Very Best Wines in the World.
And Every One Kosher, Too!

* What is the difference between a Bordeaux and a Burgundy wine?
* What makes wine Kosher?
* Who produces the best Kosher wine in the world?
* Why is Concord wine sweet?

Remember: Good wine is wine you like!

Look for: "Kosher Spirits - Guide to Kosher Alcoholic Beverages."
It’s not just schnapps you know? Expected Spring 2014

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